I've injured my ankle yet again!!! This is like the 4th time and next Saturday there is a church joggerthon which I have been looking forward to win...haha..not sure if I would though..but there was hope until now....sigh...all this because of my love for netball lah...hiyah! netball punya pasal...hahaha....but I love netball what to do...
The other dilemma is there is this Games coming up in August and I'm scared that if I join the netball team I would hurt my ankle even worst...sigh...so now I have another option and that is to play pool...so would it be netball or pool??? Hmmm...netball or pool??? Can't play both cause it clashes on the same day.
Or Netball??? Sigh....tough choice with my ankle being in this position :(
I think every girl should play pool... its so much better to look at... *cough.... erm.. to play ...
Hahaha...I agree :P
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