Monday, September 29, 2008

Me? STUPID??? Hmmm....

Last night I had another weird dream....I wonder what is causing all these dreams...hmmm...

I dreamt I was on a holiday with my family spending some time in KK than going to Thailand via KK. Hmmm...must be the KK family trip that I had a few weeks back that is catching up on me in my the lagging...haha. Anyway, we were at the KK airport waiting for our flight to Thailand....only to realise that I didn't bring my passport!!! And it was not only mom too!!! I was like, OH NO! I have to go to Miri to go get it!!!

So, what I did was to tell everyone to go ahead without me and my mom (and that time I felt so sorry for my mom cause she looked so excited!!!). Me and my mom flew back to Miri (apparently I'm pretty rich in my dream...haha) and I rushed to get the passport only to realise that it was expired!!! Than I told my mom that maybe we should just go back to KK and spend some time there since we couldn't go to Miri. At that time also, I woke up from my sleep BUT I was still in a dream!!! I hate it when that happens!!!

I woke up and look around and was hoping that the Thailand trip was all a dream. Only to realise that it was actually real (which was not lah, because I was still in a dream...hmmm....hope you get me) and I said to myself, "WHY you so stupid wan!!!". So in that dream I went into the kitchen to hang out with my mom in my mom's house with two aunties...don't really know what they were doing there but it seem normal at that time. Than I woke up AGAIN from that dream because my alarm was ringing....only to realise that it was all a dream...I was so relief you know!!! Because that just proves that I'm NOT STUPID!!! WOOHOO!!! *Phew* For a moment there I was wondering how I got to be so stupid.

I told my husband about it this morning and he said:

Hubby: You were ALMOST stupid...cause the dream TIPU you...hahaha...

Hmmm....not sure that was meant as something good or something bad...hahaha...anyway, now I'm a t work and I have had my coffee already so I'm not so tired like I was this morning when I woke up. I don't really like dreams....cause they are so exhausting!!! I do however like to dream of my dad even if I wake up tired. Cause I maybe tired but I'm happy :D. At least I had a chance to spend a bit more time with my him!!! I miss him....

Here's a dream that I think most of us have dreamt off....right??? :D

Here's a dream that we usually have when we are super stress at work!!! I know I have had it a few times already!!! Sad kan! During the day you work and at night when you sleep, you also work...sad sad....and life goes on....

Oklah...that's it from me!!! TA!!!


felicakes said...

When I dream it usually means something is going to happen or something happened to someone that I know.

My dreams are so vivid that sometimes I feel like I am living it and its hard for me to wake up once I am in deep dream state.

So you can imagine the scary dreams that I have. HAHAHAH....

Jacqie said...

Aiyo! thank goodness that doesn't happen to me....I better not say Never or it might happen to me :P