Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Losing Weight and Looking Good!

We ladies are never satisfied with our physical appearence! Mind you in this case, ladies can be divided into three types: (I think this does apply to Men as well these days...Men are just as VAIN as Ladies...haha..sorry guys...but I think its True!!! :)). I know some guys who takes hours to get ready and looks in the mirror way too much!!!

1) The one who complains complain complains but never does anything or may start of with a NEW YEARS RESOLUTION and do something about it for the first few weeks than go back to complaining and than not doing anything about it.

2) The one who does something about it and manages to keep in shape. (I'm in this category at the moment) Please note that, with all the exercising, the other essential parts which should remain the same size reduces as well, meaning that though you might look nice and slim, you can't wear a bikini because you have nothing to show off!!! Just like me...hahaha...

3) The one that does nothing at all and still looks great and she still has the guts to tell you that she's fat!!!

Why do we make a big fuss about it? Why are we never satisfied?

I know for a fact that I'm terrified of being fat....I have a major phobia....when people tell me I look healthy (indirectly telling me I'm fat!) I freak out! When I look at my picture and notice my chubby cheeks and my double chin, I freak out!!! I freak out at everything. And the interesting part is that the heaviest I've ever been is only 48kg ,back in the days when I was in Australia!!! Yeah, yeah that's pretty light you may say...but if you haven't noticed (don't think anyone would not notice) I'm pretty short as well, actually pretty short is an understatement, I'm actualy so damn short...almost reaching 5 feet at 4'11" but never reaching it. So close yet so far...sigh...again...notice the unsatifaction of it. Most people in their lifetime have notice a growth spurt in their height...but me??? Growth Spurt??? What was that again??? Hahaha...

Ok, back to my weight, notice in my previous blog I've complain many times about weight....I think at that point I was the person in the Number 1 category. Being 48 kg, wasn't all that exciting...expecially being as short as I am...48 kg had a great impact on me...I think I looked like a potato at that point...hahaha...a cute adorable potato...(The music "I'm So Vain", should start playing in ur heads just about now! :P. Anyway, now I'm 43kg....nice and slim with no boobs...hahaha....go figure!!! Thank GOD for padded bras!!!

But getting to where I am at the moment is no easy task....you actually have to work out to get into shape. Going on a Diet is HELL ON EARTH (well, I do think hell is much worst but this is just a metaphore of how terrible going on a diet can be, especially when you see the people around you eating whatever they want too)...so instead of stuffing myself with vegies and fruits to be on a so called Diet, I've decided that I'm going to eat (but cut down on the rice intake) and exercise. Its definitely working that's for sure!!! Of course at the moment what I do is go to the gym during lunch and have a bun for lunch....but I notice that it gets me really hungry by 5pm and makes be pig out during dinner time which is a definite NO NO! So TODAY I've decided that what I'm going to do is, do a bit of cardio during lunch and do more weights then have a proper lunch...and then in the evening go for a proper jog when my darling hubby goes to pick up the little sweetheart/monster (depending on her mood on that day). That way, I get to eat during lunch and not be hungry by 5pm and not pig out during dinner. I think that's a good idea! Don't you? That way i don't eat what I lose.

I know a lot of you may say, Jacq has gone nuts with exercising...probably I have....but the outcome is actually quite good (and the fact that I don't want to lose to my darling husband who goes to the gym everyday) you feel healthier and are happy with the outcome, you actually feel toner than you were before and quite fit and you can even have some chocolates and ice cream during the week when you have the cravings for it and not feel guilty (chocolates and ice cream is an "IN" thing when you have a little daughter around). I am of course blessed with stamina but I'm positive that you can actually build up the stamina if you are willing to try. Now, don't think that I don't get lazy sometimes...I do..I seriously do....its a normal human behaviour! Weight loss is not impossible....you just need to gain momentum and stick to it! AND never say you don't have time for exercising, that's just very bad excuse!

Anyway, here are some tips to lose weight if you are interested:

1) Make sure you have a proper MP3/MP4...this is very important to keep you motivated. Without it, you tend to have less motivation. Especially if you are going to start of with jogging. Jogging or cycling is very good cardio exercise.

2) At least Jog/Cycle 3 times a week. I do it everyday so no guilt for me when it comes to eating!!! (I Love Food!!!, who doesn't!). Of course if I eat too much I do start getting worried.

3) Never ever say "I'll start tomoro! when you are suppose to start today". Apparently, sometimes, tomoro never comes!!!.This phrase usually happens when you've already plan to hit the gym in the evening and someone calls you and says "Hey! lets go for a drink!". Of course the temptation to go out with your friend is much stronger than going to the gym (who in their right mind will have the temptation to go to the gym...haha...unless of course there is an absolutely gorgeous MAN who goes to the gym all the time....ummm...that does not apply to me ah!!!....now don't start telling my husband such lies....) Oh yah! and vice versa for the guys!!!

4) Drink Green Tea everyday!!! It helps increase your metabolism rate!

5) Eat at the same time everyday for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner so your body doesn't get confuse on your schedule and works accordingly and therefore increases your metabolism as well. Trust me, your body can get confuse too!!!

6) Don't have supper...or better still...don't eat after 9pm...somehow doing supper tends to increase your weight.

7) Don't sleep!!! hahaha...easiest way to lose weight but not healthy...so skip this step..:P Just felt like putting it in.

8) If you want to have chocolate and ice cream like i do...have one only...don't get too greedy...have one and savour it. And when I mean one...I don't mean one whole bar of chocolate or one whole tub of ice cream...I mean one small piece of chocolate and one scoop of ice cream. Don't need to rush through it...just take your time...

That's about it...the other thing you could do is check out this website:

It tells you what you should do on a daily basis. It even prepares a schedule for you. It's wonderful!

Now, don't expect to lose weight instantly....that seriously doesn't happen. Give it time...in 2 months or so...you will definitely notice the difference.

So, for those of you in category number 1, stop complaining already....do something about it....and STICK TO IT!!! You have nothing to lose!!! (except your boobs!..haha...sad again but true!). Well there is Breast Implants these days!!!

For those of you in category number 2, keep up the good work...if you are in Miri and need someone to exercise with, give me a buzz :). I'm all in for hiking too!!!

For those of you who are in category number 3, exercise is still good to keep you healthy!!! Christine! (you know who you are!)...that applies to you too!!! :)

NOW, DO REMEMBER, Nothing is ever so imposible!!! I know a friend who went from 80kg to 50 something kg (can't really re-call the exact weight). She has 3 kids and she looks FANTASTIC!!! If she can do it, so can you!!! It's just like being MARRIED....it's HARDWORK...but WORTH IT! Plus! your husband will really appreciate the effort!!! Don't ever ever say to yourself, "I'm married, so who cares!!! I don't have to bother about looking good....I already have a husband, he should love me for who I am"...Yes! of course he should love you for who you are but you deserve to keep him on his toes and say "Damn! I'm lucky to have such a beautiful wife!". That way, there is a lower/no possibility of him seeing another person!!! Not that it is going to happen...but you never know! Better be safe than sorry :) Of course what I wrote in my Blog "Marriage! Soul Mates??" applies as well :)

That's it for today!!! Stay Healthy!!! If you need help...I'm here for you!!! :) Have a Wonderful day ahead!!! TA!


Tina said...

argh i am so fat right now.

im stuck somewhere between number 1 and 2 right now.

earlier this year i went swimming everyday. kinda lost about 3 kgs. but recently kan, been so busy with assignments and summore now with finals, cant really go swimming. so i'm stuck with going to the gym only once a week. haiyah. habis exam ni im gonna print out your tips and stick it on my wall. need to look good before i balik miri.

Jacqie said...

Aiyah mem!!! with all the stress that you are facing you are suppose to have lost weight instead. But don't worry, you've done it once before, I'm sure you can do it again!!! :P