Sunday, April 4, 2010

Who would have guessed a 3 week old Puppy could CLIMB!!!

Blessed Happy Easter everyone!!! Jesus has risen, WOOHOO!!! :D

Now to introduce you to my CLIMBING PUPPY!!! AKA Princess Panda Pink Paw!!! Who would have guessed that a 3 week old puppy could climb a door netting...a kitten wouldn't have been so surprising, but a PUPPY???

Determination on her part is all I can say to her abilities to do what she did....


"I can do this!!! I know I can!!! I got to get in!!! I got to get in!!!"

"Woohoo!!! I'm getting there!!!"

"No!!! Don't take me down!!! Have you any idea how long it took me to get up to here!!!"

Hahaha...cute le!!! And that's the story of the little Princess Pink Paw :D That's it from me now!!! TA!!!