Thursday, March 26, 2009

If you KEEP YOUR LIGHTS ON, your VOTING for GLOBAL WARMING, that's just plain EVIL!!!

So its the first time in Malaysian History that we will be participating in this Earth Day - Earth Hour thing. I seriously wonder how many of us are going to take this seriously.

I mean Malaysians are not exactly very fantastic in helping out with the Environment in general. Don't get me wrong....I'm a Malaysian too....but let me give you a few examples:

  1. We still use plastic bags despite having seen so many posters around that say "Say 'NO' to Plastic Bags".
  2. I still see people throwing rubbish out of their cars!!! Please lah, if you are going to throw it out of your car, at least take note of the car behind you!!! BUT, please lah, stay clean, can or not! Put your rubbish in a proper dustbin!!! If not, what's the whole point of having a dustbin!!!You might as well just throw away your dustbin as well!!! yes, I'm being sarcastic here...sorry...emotions getting in my way...haha...but seriously, throw the rubbish in the dustbin please!
  3. And what's with Burning things behind your back yard??? Not only are you polluting the environment, your also killing yourself and your neighbours with the smoke!!! Of course, it works for getting rid of the mosquitoes but its seriously terrible for the environment.
This are just a few...I don't think I need to elaborate more...

So you see, it would be nice for once that we as Malaysian take our environment seriously. Why not start with EARTH HOUR and VOTE EARTH by switching off your lights from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. It's only an hour...I seriously don't think you will die by not having the lights on for one hour!!! There are a few things you could do in that hour, for example:

  1. You could have candle light dinner and invite your friends over like my dear friend Corriena is doing. Good on you dear!!!
  2. You could sit outside and look at the stars!!! But don't forget the mosquito coil thingy, if not you'll be eaten alive by them.
  3. You could meditate and have your quite time with the Lord :). Perfect time to let him know how thankful you are for all that he has done for you!
  4. You could walk up and down your lane to get some well deserve exercise...haha...good bah, you get to save the environment by switching off the lights and keep yourself healthy at the same time!
And I guess that there are many more things you could think up and do, so why not join in? I'm hoping you all will.

And don't just off the lights lah...don't take it so literal when they say 'Switch Off the Lights'. Please also switch off the air-con and the tv, because they sure as hell take up a lot of electricity as well!!!

So what say you all??? Vote lah!!! :D

Maybe we should the government should get those people who usually drives around in a truck or van collecting newspaper, who says "Old Newspaper!!!!, Old Newspaper!!!" and make them they go around at 8.20pm to 8.30pm saying "Support Earth Hour!!! Switch OFF your LIGHTS NOW!!!" instead!!! And also say it in Malay "Sokong Sejam Bumi, TUTUP LAMPU SEKARANG!!!"....hahahaha...that's just seriously bad translation!!!

Oklah that's it from me!!! And to sign off:

"VOTE EARTH!!!" If you keep on your lights, that's just saying that you're VOTING for GLOBAL WARMING!!! And that's EVIL!!! :P

Ta for now!!!


. said...

Hai, Jacq! It is true that we should be voting for Earth Hour.

Unknown said...

It's not the 1st year for me and I've heard alot of ppl complaining bout how this has turned too comercialized, etc, etc....

But all i have to say is, anyone can complain about anything. So instead of wasting time complaining, use your position, use the media coverage now, etc to spread the right msg.

Yes, turning off the lights for one hour ain't gonna stop global warming, but the main idea of Earth Hour is that every little bit counts, each individual can DO SOMETHING, rather than thinkin how can one individual affect the GLOBAL situation?

It's also to let the governments and corporations know that people are taking a stand, a stand which says we want to do something to stop global warming.

One of the main things I'd like to see is for the removal of the standby button on electrical goods. Another thing is for govt to push the auto-industry to have more natural/renewable energy vehicles, cut taxes on those cars, give rebates to ppl that drives them.

True, they'll get pressured by the oil rich nations/companies, but enough is enough. If u know stabbing urself with a knife will kill you, why keep doing it?

During that one hour, we could also think of ways how we can reduce our carbon footprints. We could talk/discuss about the issue. Spread the msg!

felicakes said...

this will be the 3rd year I will be doing it.

Contrary to what ruben said, commercialising to save the Earth is a good thing in my opinion.

If one person can save 2 cents from doing this imagine jak you times that 2 cents with how many billion people in this earth!!

Although 1 hour seems a little but it goes a long way. Imagine it this way... All around the world people will be switching of their lights from 8.30pm - 930 pm at their local time. We have 24 time zones in the world and that adds up to 24 hours of NO LIGHTS! and that is a lot. When can you see something that big happen?

I will be doing my bit this year. 1 hour outside with my neighbour enjoying the last day of summer with a BBQ.

Jacqie said...

Wouldn't BBQ'ing be polluting the environment??? :P Just wondering :D

Unknown said...

Earth Hour is good because there will be an increase in babies in 9 month's time.